- More HUGSS
Killeen Daily Herald
- HUGSS Interview on "Brian & the Judge" (File Size: 5.65 MB)
Fox News Radio: July 17, 2020
(You will need an audio player installed on your computer to listen to the file)
Please click on the following to download the player:
- A Town of War Widows
Glamour Magazine

- Journey Thru Grief
Fort Hood Sentinel
- Support network helps families of fallen soldiers
Mail Tribune
- Camp Life retreats help Gold Star children learn to cope with grief
Fort Hood Sentinel
- Camping to Cope
Fort Hood Sentinel, Drugs-About.com
- Group raising money to send Gold Star children to grief camp
Killeen Daily Herald
- House OKs license plates for Gold Star families
Killeen Daily Herald
- 'Gold Star' Efforts Help Families of Fallen Soldiers
Listen to NPR All Things Considered
NPR: February 22, 2021
- Picture of Playroom at the Center
- Families of the Fallen
Associated Press
For press inquires, please call Norah Boucher at HUGSS at (254) 553-2464 or [email protected].